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Programming Design Notes

Adjacency Matrix Network and List of Link Network

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在大學習作中需要制作一個 Adjacency Matrix Network 和 List of Link Network 的 Class
  • 查詢有多少 Path 連進選取的 Node
  • 查詢有多少 Path 由選取的 Node 出發
  • 查詢一個 Node 能否到達另一個 Node
  • Path 的總和
  • 2 種 Network 互相轉換

做此習作感受到了 Microsoft .NET 內的 LINQ 的強大


Network Class
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;

namespace NetworkLibrary
public abstract class Network
protected int _Size;

//Size is read only
public int Size
get { return _Size; }

public abstract int NumberOfLinks();

public abstract int OutDegree(int nodeNumber);

public abstract int InDegree(int nodeNumber);

public abstract List<int> ReachableFrom(int nodeNumber);
Adjacency Matrix Network Class
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace NetworkLibrary
public class AM_Network : Network
private int[][] _NodeMatrix;

public int[][] NodeMatrix
get { return _NodeMatrix; }

public AM_Network(int numberOfNode, int[,] nodeMap)
* Error checking
* No node exception
* Null argument exception
* Martrix not correct exception

if (numberOfNode < 1)
throw new NumberOfNodeLessThenOneException("Number Of Node Less Then One");
else if (nodeMap == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("Node Map is null");
else if (numberOfNode * numberOfNode != nodeMap.Length)
throw new NumberOfNodeNotEqualMatrixHeightException("Number of Node or Matrix Height Not Correct");
else if (!nodeMap.IsFixedSize)
throw new MatrixNotCorrectException("Matrix Width Not Correct");

//Store to local variable
base._Size = numberOfNode;

//Convert 2D array to jagged array
_NodeMatrix = new int[numberOfNode][];
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfNode; i++)
_NodeMatrix[i] = new int[numberOfNode];
for (int ii = 0; ii < numberOfNode; ii++)
_NodeMatrix[i][ii] = nodeMap[i, ii];


public LL_Network To_LL()
* Create a list store a Link information
* Search matrix information
* if matrix value greater then zero
* should be create a array to store node data

List<int[]> linkList = new List<int[]>();
for (int i = 0; i < _NodeMatrix.Length; i++)
for (int ii = 0; ii < _NodeMatrix[i].Length; ii++)
if (_NodeMatrix[i][ii] > 0)
linkList.Add(new int[] { i, ii, _NodeMatrix[i][ii] });
return new LL_Network(base._Size, linkList.ToArray());

public override string ToString()
* retrun network type
* network size and total link

string info = "Network Type: Adjacency Matrix\n";
info += "Network Size: " + base._Size + "\n";
info += "Number Of Link: " + NumberOfLinks() + "\n";
return info;

public override int NumberOfLinks()
//Return network total link
return _NodeMatrix.Sum(row => row.Count(column => column > 0));

public override int OutDegree(int nodeNumber)
* Error checking
* Negative node number exception
* Node not found exception
* return number of link in this node point to other node
if (nodeNumber < 0)
throw new NegativeNodeNumberException("Node Number Cannot be a Negative Number");
else if (nodeNumber > base._Size - 1)
throw new NonExistentNodeException("Node not found");
return _NodeMatrix[nodeNumber].Count(column => column > 0);

public override int InDegree(int nodeNumber)
* Error checking
* Negative node number exception
* Node not found exception
* return number of link in this node is other node point to this node
if (nodeNumber < 0)
throw new NegativeNodeNumberException("Node Number Cannot be a Negative Number");
else if (nodeNumber > base._Size - 1)
throw new NonExistentNodeException("Node not found");
return _NodeMatrix.Count(row => row[nodeNumber] > 0);

public override List<int> ReachableFrom(int nodeNumber)
* Error checking
* Negative node number exception
* Node not found exception
if (nodeNumber < 0)
throw new NegativeNodeNumberException("Node Number Cannot be a Negative Number");
else if (nodeNumber > base._Size - 1)
throw new NonExistentNodeException("Node not found");

* Create 2 list to store node
* reachableList is a final result list
* Store node into nonCheckNodeList when this node was checked.
* Prevent repeat to check
List<int> reachableList = new List<int>();
List<int> nonCheckNodeList = new List<int>();
bool update;

//Source node must be add to reachableList

* Initial the update to false
* because we will check the node is it repeat.
* Create a checkNodeList
* checkNodeList only store a will check node
* It filter the nonCheckNodeList node
* Loop the checkNodeList
update = false;
List<int> checkNodeList = reachableList.Except(nonCheckNodeList).ToList();
for (int i = 0; i < checkNodeList.Count; i++)
* Add current node to nonCheckNodeList
* because current node was checked.
* Define the List and check this node can reach to which node
IEnumerable<int> result = _NodeMatrix[checkNodeList[i]]
.Select((column, index) => new { column, index })
.Where(obj => obj.column > 0)
.Select(obj => obj.index);

foreach (int temp in result)
* Check node is it repeat
* if not repeat is should be store in reachableList
* and update set to true
* because this node was store into the reachableList
if (!reachableList.Exists(node => node == temp))
update = true;
} while (update);

* Sorting the list
* and return the result
return reachableList;
List of Link Network Class
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace NetworkLibrary
public class LL_Network : Network
private NetworkLibrary.Link[] _NodeLinks;

public NetworkLibrary.Link[] NodeLinks
get { return _NodeLinks; }

public LL_Network(int numberOfNode, int[][] nodeMap)
* Error checking
* No node exception
* Null argument exception
* Too many exception

if (numberOfNode < 1)
throw new NumberOfNodeLessThenOneException("Number Of Node Less Then One");
else if (nodeMap == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("Node Map is null");
else if (numberOfNode * numberOfNode < nodeMap.Length)
throw new TooManyLinkException("Too Many Link");

//Store to local variable
base._Size = numberOfNode;
_NodeLinks = new Link[nodeMap.Length];

//Create Link from array
for (int i = 0; i < nodeMap.Length; i++)
if (nodeMap[i].Length != 3)
throw new LinkNumberOfArgumentException("Link Must have 3 Argument");
_NodeLinks[i] = new Link(nodeMap[i][0], nodeMap[i][1], nodeMap[i][2]);

public AM_Network To_AM()
* Create a 2D array
* Assign a link value into array

int[,] amStructure = new int[base._Size, base._Size];
for (int i = 0; i < base._Size; i++)
for (int ii = 0; ii < base._Size; ii++)
IEnumerable<Link> result = _NodeLinks.Where(n => n.Node == i && n.DestinationNode == ii);
amStructure[i,ii] = (result.Count() > 0) ? result.First().Weight : 0;
return new AM_Network(base._Size, amStructure);

public override string ToString()
* retrun network type
* network size and total link
string info = "Network Type: List-of-Links\n";
info += "Network Size: " + base._Size + "\n";
info += "Number Of Link: " + NumberOfLinks() + "\n";
return info;

public override int NumberOfLinks()
//Return network total link
return _NodeLinks.Length;

public override int OutDegree(int nodeNumber)
* Error checking
* Negative node number exception
* Node not found exception
* return number of link in this node point to other node
if (nodeNumber < 0)
throw new NegativeNodeNumberException("Node Number Cannot be a Negative Number");
else if (!_NodeLinks.ToList().Exists(link => link.Node == nodeNumber))
throw new NonExistentNodeException("Node not found");
return _NodeLinks.Count(link => link.Node == nodeNumber);

public override int InDegree(int nodeNumber)
* Error checking
* Negative node number exception
* Node not found exception
* return number of link in this node is other node point to this node
if (nodeNumber < 0)
throw new NegativeNodeNumberException("Node Number Cannot be a Negative Number");
else if (!_NodeLinks.ToList().Exists(link => link.Node == nodeNumber))
throw new NonExistentNodeException("Node not found");
return _NodeLinks.Count(link => link.DestinationNode == nodeNumber);

public override List<int> ReachableFrom(int nodeNumber)
* Error checking
* Negative node number exception
* Node not found exception

if (nodeNumber < 0)
throw new NegativeNodeNumberException("Node Number Cannot be a Negative Number");
else if (!_NodeLinks.ToList().Exists(link => link.Node == nodeNumber))
throw new NonExistentNodeException("Node not found");

* Create 2 list to store node
* reachableList is a final result list
* Store node into nonCheckNodeList when this node was checked.
* Prevent repeat to check

List<int> reachableList = new List<int>();
List<int> nonCheckNodeList = new List<int>();
bool update;

//Source node must be add to reachableList

* Initial the update to false
* because we will check the node is it repeat.
* Create a checkNodeList
* checkNodeList only store a will check node
* It filter the nonCheckNodeList node
* Loop the checkNodeList

update = false;
List<int> checkNodeList = reachableList.Except(nonCheckNodeList).ToList();
for (int i = 0; i < checkNodeList.Count; i++)
* Add current node to nonCheckNodeList
* because current node was checked.
* Define the List and check this node can reach to which node
IEnumerable<Link> result = _NodeLinks.Where(link => link.Node == checkNodeList[i]);
foreach (Link temp in result)
* Check node is it repeat
* if not repeat is should be store in reachableList
* and update set to true
* because this node was store into the reachableList
if (!reachableList.Exists(node => node == temp.DestinationNode))
update = true;
} while (update);

* Sorting the list
* and return the result
return reachableList;
Link Class
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;

namespace NetworkLibrary
public struct Link
* _Node store a current Node
* _DestinationNode store a next Node
* _Weight store a link weight
private int _Node;
private int _DestinationNode;
private int _Weight;

public int Node
get { return _Node; }
set { _Node = value; }

public int DestinationNode
get { return _DestinationNode; }
set { _DestinationNode = value; }

public int Weight
get { return _Weight; }
set { _Weight = value; }

public Link(int node, int destinationNode, int weight)
_Node = node;
_DestinationNode = destinationNode;
_Weight = weight;

相關書籍: Head First C#Microsoft Visual C# 2008 Step by StepIllustrated C# 2008 (Windows.Net)